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Year 11 Resources

Year 11 Knowledge Organiser

Year 11 English

Week Commencing: 14 September 2020

Year 11 English - Week 1

Year 11 English - Week 1 Extract Alice


Week Commencing: 21 September 2020

Year 11 English - Week 2


Year 11 History

Week Commencing: 14 September 2020

Year 11 History - Week 1

Week Commencing: 21 September 2020

Year 11 History - Week 2

Week Commencing: 21 September 2020

Year 11 History - Week 3


Year 11 Drama

Week Commencing: 21 September 2020

Year 11 Drama - Answer 1

Year 11 Drama - Answer 2

Year 11 Drama - Answer 3

Year 11 Drama - Answer 4

Year 11 Drama - Answer 5

Year 11 Drama - Answer 6

Year 11 Drama - DNA extract with names

Year 11 Drama - Questions 1

Due to the nature of the course, your teacher may have sent you some additional work directly via e-mail.  If you are currently distance learning, and you have not received anything yet, please e-mail them on [email protected], thank you.


Year 11 Dance

Week Commencing: 21 September 2020
Year 11 Dance - Revision Booklet

Due to the nature of the course, your teacher may have sent you some additional work directly via e-mail.  If you are currently distance learning, and you have not received anything yet, please e-mail them on [email protected], thank you.

Year 11 3D Design

Year 11 CNAT Enterprise and Marketing

September 2020

Year 11 CNAT Enterprise & Marketing - L01 - Target a Market - 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 - Market Segmentation

Year 11 CNAT Enterprise & Marketing - L01 - Target a Market - 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 - Market Research

Year 11 CNAT Enterprise & Marketing - L01 - Target a Market - Market Research (Student Booklet)

Year 11 CNAT Enterprise & Marketing - L01 - Target a Market - Market Segmentation (Student Booklet)


Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - L02 Financial Viability

Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - L02 - Financially Viable - 2.1 Finance

Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - L02 - Financially Viable - 2.2 Revenue

Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - L02 - Financially Viable - 2.3 Break-Even

Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - L02 - Financially Viable - 2.4 Profit


Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - L03 - Product Development - 3.1 Product Lifecycle

Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - L03 - Product Development - 3.2 Extension Strategies

Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - L03 - Product Development - WorkSheet (3.1) - Product Lifecycle

Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - L03 - Product Development - WorkSheet (3.2) - Extension Strategies

Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - L03 - Product Development - WorkSheet (3.3) - Product Differentiation

Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - L03 - Product Development - WorkSheet (3.4) - External Factors


Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - LO4 - Attract and Retain Customers - LO4 Booklet

Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - LO4 - Attract and Retain Customers - 4.1 - Factor of Pricing

Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - LO4 - Attract and Retain Customers - 4.2 - Pricing Strategies

Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - LO4 - Attract and Retain Customers - 4.3 - Methods of Advertising

Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - LO4 - Attract and Retain Customers - 4.4 - Sales Promotions

Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - LO4 - Attract and Retain Customers - 4.5 - Customer Service


Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - LO5 - 5.1 Business Ownership

Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - LO5 - 5.1 Business Ownership PP

Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - LO5 - 5.2 Sources of Capital

Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - LO5 - 5.2 Sources of Capital PP

Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - LO5 - 5.3 Business Planning

Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - LO5 - 5.3 Business Planning PP


Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - LO6 - Functional Areas

Year 11 Enterprise & Marketing - LO6 - Functional Areas PP


Year 11 BTEC Health and Social Care

Year 11 CNAT Sport

Week Commencing: 14 September 2020

Year 11 CNAT Sport - Lesson 1-2

Week Commencing: 28 September 2020

Year 10 CNAT Sport - Factors that impact popularity remote learning

Year 11 GCSE Physical Education

Year 11 Music

Week Commencing: 21 September 2020

Due to the nature of the course, your teacher may have sent you some additional work directly via e-mail.  If you are currently distance learning, and you have not received anything yet, please e-mail them on [email protected], thank you.

Year 11 French

Week Commencing: 14 September 2020
Students should are advised to log in to the Linguascope website and work through the activities in the Intermediate section on 'la société:

Year 11 French - Lesson 1 Inequality

Year 11 French - Lesson 2 Inequality

Year 11 French - Social Issues Vocab Linguascope

Year 11 French - Social Issues Vocabulary 1

Year 11 French - Social Issues Wsheet Lingauscope

Year 11 French - L2 - Poverty _ Homelessness 2

Year 11 French - L3 - Poverty _ Homelessness 3

Due to the nature of the course, your teacher may have sent you some additional work directly via e-mail.  If you are currently distance learning, and you have not received anything yet, please e-mail them on [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected], thank you.

Year 11 Food