Chief Executive Letter - Changes to Self-isolation Period
Please see the attachment below for the latest update from our Chief Executive, Jo Higgins.
Updates from Jo Higgins, Chief Executive, regarding COVID-19.
Please see the attachment below for the latest update from our Chief Executive, Jo Higgins.
Please see the attachment below for the latest update from our Chief Executive, Jo Higgins.
Please see the attachment below for the latest update from our Chief Executive, Jo Higgins.
Please see the attachment below for the latest update from our Chief Executive, Jo Higgins.
Please see the attachment below for the latest update from our Chief Executive, Jo Higgins.
Please see the attachment below for the latest update from our Chief Executive, Jo Higgins.
Please see the latest Chief Executive Update by following the link below.
Please see below a letter to all Parents/Carers from the Director of Public Health.
Please see the letter below for the latest update from the Chief Exectutive.
Please see the latest Chief Executive update dated 02/03/21 regarding our secondary reopening plan. The plan was approved by a group of Trust Board members during a governance meeting on 26/02/21. Various factors have been considered in relation to our reopening plans, the main priority being the health and safety of all those involved. Following this important update, the Principal of each academy will provide further details on the logistics for reopening and expectations of learners.
Please find below the latest Chief Executive Update.
Please see the attached letter below for the latest Chief Executive Update.
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