Year 11 Easter Revision Sessions
During Easter we will be offering a number of revision sessions. Please see attached letter.
During Easter we will be offering a number of revision sessions. Please see attached letter.
Please see letter below:
During half term we will be offering a number of targeted online revision sessions. Please see attached letter.
Please see attached letter below:
It is Year 11 progress evening on Thursday 23rd January from 5.00pm -7.30pm. This event will be face to face.
Dear parents/carers,
We are writing to remind you that the academy car park located on Hill Street is private property and is purely for the use of staff and visitors during the school day. Starting immediately, the car park will be closed to all vehicle access at 2:50pm every day until learners have vacated the site. This measure is being implemented to ensure the safety of our learners during pick-up times when larger groups of children walk through this area.
Additionally, we kindly remind all parents and carers not to park on the yellow 'Keep Clear' lines near to the premises. These areas must remain unobstructed to provide clear visibility for our learners when crossing roads.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and orderly environment for everyone.
Kind regards,
Mr S.Roe
Assistant Principal
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Ofsted have announced today that they are conducting a local Area Special Educational Needs and or disabilities (SEND) inspection in Dudley.
Fieldwork will begin on 16 January 2025. Inspectors will commence onsite work from 20 January 2025 to 24 January 2025.
Please see the attachment below:
If your child attends EVERY day from Thursday 12th - Thursday 19th December they are in with a chance of winning a prize in our staff panto next Thursday!
Dear Parent/Carer, please see the below link for the last day of term arrangements and return date for January 2025.
To ensure that learners at The Link Academy are receiving high quality career experiences, we are delighted to inform you that your child has the opportunity to visit Thomas Dudley Ltd.
Dudley Academies Trust recently took the opportunity to review management information systems for all schools across the Trust and will be moving to a new system during the upcoming half term break.
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