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Care Quality and Ofsted Local Area SEND Inspection - Online Survey

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Ofsted have announced today that they are conducting a local Area Special Educational Needs and or disabilities (SEND) inspection in Dudley.  

Fieldwork will begin on 16 January 2025. Inspectors will commence onsite work from 20 January 2025 to 24 January 2025

The inspectors want to understand what it's like to be a child or young person with SEND in your local area and whether the education health and care services for children with special educational needs and or disabilities (SEND) are effective.   

The inspectors will gather feedback in a variety of ways; through surveys, looking at data, talking to the local authority, education settings and SEND senior leaders and they also carry out focussed sampling of children’s cases and visits.  

Parent carers, children and young people and practitioners are being asked to complete an online survey.  

The inspectors want to know about the help and support that children and young people with SEND get. You can let them know by filling in a survey below. What you tell them will be treated in confidence. 
The surveys will close at 9am on Tuesday 14 January 2025. 

Children and young people 
If you are a young person with SEND please fill in this survey. 
Take the children and young people survey 

Parents and carers 
If you are a parent or carer of a child or young person with SEND please complete this survey. If you have more than one child with SEND you can use the same link to complete a separate survey for each child. 
Take the parent and carer survey 
Take the parent and carer survey (Easy Read version) 

Inspectors will also want to talk with several parent carers about their children’s lived experience and you will be contacted separately if this is the case to ask your permission.  

They will also talk with the Dudley Parent Carer Forum. 



The judgement 

After the inspection, the CQC and Ofsted will publish a report that will clearly set out what the inspectors have found and what improvements the local area should make. None of your personal information will be shared within the report. 

For general information on the inspection process please visit  

Area SEND inspections: information for parents and carers. More information is also available on Dudley’s SEND local offer at